
From Building to Biochemistry: Solving World Problems and Ozone with Ian Mitchell

Boomer Anderson
April 14, 2021
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Ian Mitchell is one smart dude. I'm happy to call him a friend. This podcast covers a wide range of topics from the use of Carbon 60 (C60) in hair loss to Ozone for gut health. Ian is constantly innovating, inventing, and drawing on a lattice of knowledge.

Who is Ian Mitchell?

Ian is a leading researcher of Carbon60 and holds many new patents in the space. He is working towards bringing quantum medicine into the forefront and using nanoparticles and many other modalities to enhance peoples’ and pet's lifespans and more importantly health spans.

Ian has founded Biocharged, a company that was inspired by Nikola Tesla, the original expert in ozone, and is committed to packing as much ozone into a pill.


[5:20] Ian’s journey from construction to chemistry

[22:40] Approaching problems

[30:07] Applying Tesla’s Ozone Knowledge

[38:25] Experimenting with Ozone

[46:21] The Benefits of Ozone


Ian Mitchell with Dave Asprey

Walter Russell elemental chart

Nikola Tesla’s Ozone Generator

Power VS Force by David Hawkins

The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham

Episode Transcript

Boomer Anderson: [00:00:00]Welcome to decoding superhuman. This show is a deep dive into obsessions withhealth performance, and how to elevate the human experience. I explore thelatest tools, science and technology with experts in various fields of humanoptimization. This is your host. Enjoy the journey.

Over the past several years, I've been blessed to speak withsome of the smartest people in the world. And these people continuallychallenge me to be at my best up my game and learn. So much more. My guesttoday is one of those people and he's a bit of a mad scientist. In fact, he'san inventor.

Extraordinary. When I get to talk to him, we cover anincredible landscape. Anything from specs to patents, to. Esoteric chemistry,two things I don't even understand. And so today I wanted to click record onone of those conversations and have my friend Ian Mitchell, tell you a littlebit about his background, how you went from really construction development andinto chemistry, and now is doing some amazing things with compounds like  and of course, what we get to talk abouttoday a little bit later on ozone.

Okay. You can check out the show notes for this one ordecoding superhuman.com/  that's I a N.And enjoy my conversation with Ian Mitchell. Before we go into our show, let'stalk a little bit about Trish scriptions over the past year. Some of you havehad the opportunity to try blue Kennedy, teen, or just blue.

I use blue canteen for a lot of strategic thinking. Itallows me to connect dots that I previously didn't see before. It allows me toget locked in and think creatively. I use just blue as sort of my taxnootropic. If you will, if it's something where I require my brain to befocused more on things like financial modeling or on more repetitive tasks, Iuse just blue, but I encourage you guys to check it up, to try it.

Head on over to  dotcom. Use the code boomer, and you're going to get yourself 10% off and let meknow what you think. You can always email me. And I'd love to hear

Ian Mitchell: [00:02:39]let's get on with the show.

Boomer Anderson: [00:02:43]So I N of all the places in the world right now, you're in Oklahoma. And Ithink many people are wondering why Oklahoma and ironically,

Ian Mitchell: [00:02:58]it's just incredible technology and dagger.

It was actually, it was a familial decision. My wife'sfamily was getting older and she wanted to be closer to them. And we'd beenliving in Austin for, uh, going on two decades and the, uh, the option of beingthere or being here to me, I, I, my preference was Austin, but, um, the kidsdidn't really get to be kids.

Everyone was kind of a programmed young adult. And in ourparticular neighborhood, everybody had a starter castle with a giant, you know,gate around it, wall and fence. And, you know, and it was, I didn't know thatthat wasn't so thrilling to me. I think the, uh, the straw that broke thecamel's back in terms of my decision was a little kid called and said that hewanted to schedule a play date with my son who was eight at the time for liketwo weeks from Tuesday.

And I just remember thinking. That is an issue, you know,ride your bike over to the house, do something, you know, like a normal, smallchild, but

Boomer Anderson: [00:04:03]yeah, you shouldn't eight years old. I have a Google calendar out, right?

Ian Mitchell: [00:04:09]Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Very, very

Boomer Anderson: [00:04:13]cool. And so you're adapting to the Oklahoma culture. Have you chosen whichside of the red river shootout you want to be a part of.

Ian Mitchell: [00:04:22]Uh, yeah, actually I've had, uh, kids go to both, uh, OU and OSU. So of thetwo, my preference, uh, OSU, um, though I, I really am kind of, you know,ambivalent on the whole topic, but if I had to pick one, I actually think it'snicer.

Just, I know one, the one that I'm not terribly partial to,or partial to as a much larger endowment seemingly has a kind of a bettertechnical side, but the other just has a better vibe and really in truth forme, if, if the options are more money or a better vibe, I will 100% of the timego with better vibe.

Boomer Anderson: [00:04:59]This is why you and I get along. So fantastically well.

Ian Mitchell: [00:05:04]Yeah. Yeah. That's very, very true. Given your background. That's very true.

Boomer Anderson: [00:05:08]Obviously I N at the. W one of the things we want to get into today is ofcourse ozone, but, uh, for somebody like I've had the pleasure of talking toyou many times. Um, but your background is PR from my understanding more inchemistry, but how did, how does one become interested in that?

Because I remember taking like eighth grade chemistry, youknow, AP chemistry, whatever it was, and then it kind of faded away. But whatsort of drew you into this world if you will?

Ian Mitchell: [00:05:40]Um, I was very good at it in the high school. I was just kind of gifted. Iactually, I had initially I had a little bit of an issue with it, but then Ihad a tutor who just took me into his lab and explained everything.

And once I saw how everything was actually going to beutilized, then I thought, okay, this makes perfect sense. So then from thatpoint on, I just crushed it and it was what I actually wanted to do at the timewas to do environmental cleanups. Um, my real goal was not to do appliedchemistry or anything like that.

It was actually to do just things that would benefit theenvironment. And so my two big interests were chemistry and music, and I, Iwent to school. I had a chemistry scholarship, but I also had a music scholarshipand I studied saxophone.

Boomer Anderson: [00:06:27]Oh really? I didn't realize your sex one player. Okay. I try, I tried that forlike a couple of weeks and that didn't work out so well with my sports careerat the time.


Ian Mitchell: [00:06:35]yeah, no, it's great, man. That was actually, I think that informed a lot ofthe ways that I actually looked at molecular interaction was through musicbecause in kind of the last analysis, everything really isn't, you know, howthings bond ionically and you know, all that sort of stuff, wagons and biochemand things like that.

I don't really think they're actually approximate. I thinkyou're, you're of missing the point. If that's where you focus, it's really allabout how things balance in terms of. Elegance, um, for harmonics andfrequencies. It ultimately, it's kind of funny because, um, I abandoned a lotof the constructs that, you know, I was taught and they never intuitively feltquite right.

And then I saw some work by in Walter Russell and just thoughtit was. Brilliant. And the moment I saw it, he had an entirely differentperiodic table of the elements. You know, we all use the Mendel of periodictable. Walter Russell wrote his own and I looked at it and intuitively knewthat it was completely right.

And it literally, it's the only thing, you know, that I,that I keep on the wall in terms of a reference lab, because it's brilliant.And when you look at it, when you look at compounds in terms of how theyactually function in lieu of, you know, grouping flowers together, becausethey're all the same color, that's really not, not the best way to do it.

You know what I mean? If you're trying to go through somesort of ontology and group things and figure out how things are structured,sometimes the way they appear though they share commonalities. It's not themost, um, truly accurate way to do it. And when you start looking at frequencyresponses and things, um, moving harmonically, that's a more effective way todo it.

And so Walter Russell's set up was just that it was lookingat harmonics and nodal interaction. And, and it's funny because all of therepresentations you see are two-dimensional. But the whole thing, when I lookedat it, it's, it's like music, it's all three-dimensional and it's kind of, uh,spheres interrelating with other spheres and the dynamic interaction.

I mean, it's all effectively wave forms and how have theypropagated interact? And, uh, it's just, it's just like a hologram. So, youknow, when I look at things, I get an intuitive sense of how to do some sort ofrecombinant process with them. And, and so far it seems to work out prettywell. So,

Boomer Anderson: [00:08:58]yeah. Okay. So you went from environmental cleanup to applied chemistry.

What, what got you interested in the whole health side ofthings?

Ian Mitchell: [00:09:08]Actually, so it was a bit of a circuitous path. Really? I went fromenvironmental cleanups to music, and then I decided that I just wanted to be aprofessional saxophonist all the time. So yeah, I did

Boomer Anderson: [00:09:20]too, but I'm just not talented.

Ian Mitchell: [00:09:23]Well, I, I moved from new Orleans where I grew up.

I went to school in Mississippi and then I went back andstudied at the university of new Orleans with a guy named delis Marcellus.

Boomer Anderson: [00:09:32]It explains why you're a

Ian Mitchell: [00:09:33]saxophone player though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, well, yeah, and I wasthird generation, right. So in my family, my mom is still actually a bluessinger around new Orleans.

So, you know yeah. Which is, which is pretty cool. You know,when we go to visit her, you know, sometimes she'll have to both go, grandmahas a gig and you know, and splits. But I played in her band when I was youngerand really my options were either. Really work at it diligently and be verygood or just simply not do it.

So I put, I put a fair amount of focus into it, and then Imoved to Austin and I, I was, when I moved there, I was voted the best of thejazz artists OSS and there's big competition for it, the Clarksville jazz Fest.And so I was, I was making strides, but the problem was I never really clickedin terms of, um, sort of the lifestyle of the musician.

I, you know, I, I like staying up late, but I also likedgetting up nauseous early, early. And so I just, I'm very curious. And so Ididn't, when I was playing professionally. I didn't really have much to doduring the days. And so I was talking to my dad who at the time was working as,I think he was an expert on the convention of international trade of endangeredspecies or something at that moment, and then became an archeologist and wehave an apologist and a professor he's just kind of, he's very bright.

So he adapts pretty rapidly to whatever he's curious about.And I was talking to him and he said, you know, why don't you just do, youknow, like construction or something during the day like you did when you werein school. And I thought, Oh, that'd be great. I can do music at night and do constructionduring the day.

So I got a job as a handy-dandy carpenter and it becameincredibly apparent that if you have your wits about you and you're smart, youjust end, you actually show up on time in our trunks that you've ousted,roughly 90% of the competition. So in the span of literally about six months, Iwent from just doing carpentry to being in charge of the entire subdivision,um, which was kind of a meteoric sort of movement in terms of, um, managerialability.

But you know, it is what it is. And so then I, I thought,you know, this is fun. Maybe I'll do architecture. So I started doingarchitecture and designed a bunch of buildings around Austin. Then I built aresort of Lake Austin spires or where I was the director of design andconstruction in charge of all the architecture, engineering, contracting,everything.

And I just, I studied, I was curious about all of it. Imean, I legitimately loved it. And then I started doing real estate developmentand then building tons of houses and condos and things like that around Austin.And then I had a master, a pretty vast portfolio, and then everything imploded.Uh, around 2008, 2009.

Yeah. Like

Boomer Anderson: [00:12:13]everything 2008, 2009.

Ian Mitchell: [00:12:17]And I found myself having, uh, been the, uh, the beneficiary of not reallythinking it through. So clearly I was kind of, I continually kept going all in.So I was, uh, very much without the vast amount of money that I had set asideat that point, because I kept rolling and then thinking it'll turn it'll turn.

Yeah. And it didn't turn shockingly, uh, in retrospect, youknow, you make those choices and go, wow, that was, that was not the smartestmove in the world. But, uh, I, I was looking at my retirement portfolio and Ithought, God, I'm going to have to work forever to just pay that back. And Iwas looking at it and I ran the numbers out to 70 years and I thought, God,that's not so hot, but then I'm kind of a math nerd.

So I ran it out to 90 years and thought, well, that looksnot so shabby. And then it just for grants, I ran it at some 110 years andthought. Wow, that would be fantastic. I could basically do whatever I wantedand then I thought, okay, so really the question at hand here is I just need tobe able to live to 130 without any biological degradation.

And I, and literally in that was kind of the thing Iliterally thought, well, I'm oddly well-schooled to crack that egg, so I'll dothat. And so then I started doing a lot of nano particulate work and kind offell back into the chemistry side of things and started doing some work. And I,and I had done things in the meantime, I had developed a lab on ship assaysystem for chem 20 and stuff like that.

Patented smallest bill, new small-scale spectroscopicequipment in, in the midst of doing all the other stuff. So I never really letit stop and die out. I just kind of. Pushed it to the back burner. But when Istarted thinking, okay, I need to figure it out or figure out this whole, youknow, not aging, biological degradation thing.

I just jumped in full force and started working on Parvin 60and really did a deep dive into nano particulate and then found that it madeperfect sense to me. And so I started doing some patents and then I starteddoing research with longevity and, uh, my lab animals. So I was able to extendtheir lifespan 93% beyond the normal, the normal point.

And I was using a thing called P 53 knockouts, where youextract the P 53 tumor suppressor gene. And because every they're, you know,they're the unfortunate cancer rats, you know, that have the idiopathic, weproduced tumors. So they just pop up all over. And they're the ones you alwayssee with the unfortunate bulbous tumors everywhere.

And they have very defined mortality curve. So, which is whyit was of interest to me because I was working on an inflammatory response. AndI figured with an older creature, as they biologically start to do grades, andyou should see a cytokine response flare up much more rapidly, and you shouldbe able to isolate things for isolate things, ran inflammatory responses.

And that's what I was actually working on. So I, I use thoseguys, but the benefit kind of thereafter that I didn't really know going intoit was because they had such well-defined mortality curves. I was able to lookback and go, huh? These guys should not have lived nearly this long. And sothey live 93% longer on average than they should have, and they didn't havetombs.

And so when I did the first necropsy on the first, on thefirst rat, it, uh, it had, it had died of with a moral hemorrhage and, and Ithought, well, Maybe I'm just missing something since I don't spend my daydoing veterinary necropsies right. So I sent the next off to that pathologistto make sure that it was accurate and there was no incidence of cancer.

And then the third, and then it just kept happening likethat. And then we'd find slightly anomalous things in the tissues, but nothingthat was actually overly cancerous and none of them died, cancer. They all diedof old age. It was the one died from oral and it was just very perplexing. But,um, that was kind of, uh, it sort of pushed me way ahead of the curve in termsof looking at longevity and responses on, on inflammatory markers likecytokines.

So I was able to figure out how to negate the cytokineresponse, which ameliorates all sorts of issues in terms of. You know, autoimmune conditions and other things like that. So I really got very deep intothe, uh, into the applied research on carbon nanoparticles and did a lot ofpatents and developed an anti metastatic serum to inhibit the metastasisanswer.

And then, you know, it was serums to regrow hair and allsorts of stuff that, that, you know, prior to really looking at thosemolecules, there were a lot of intractable issues, but after you start addingtools to the toolkit, um, you know, suddenly like, wow, look, I have ascrewdriver, what can I do with this?

Yeah. So I started tinkering fat in that, uh, that led to aconversation with Dave Asprey from Bulletproof. Because my research started tocatch a little notoriety about, about the longevity effects that I was getting.And then after that, I really kind of jumped into the biohacker space. I'dactually on the note of Bulletproof, I had never done coffee, like in myentire, and

Boomer Anderson: [00:17:24]even with that sleep schedule, you never did coffee once

Ian Mitchell: [00:17:27]I meditated.

Yeah. I meditated at time and you know, it was like a avidvegetarian. Like I, I actually haven't had meat for 27 years now, which normallyI don't actually recommend them. So I don't think it's the healthiest dietstyle. I actually think, you know, something like tested hearing or doing fedneeds, it's actually way better for you.

But. Just my whole thing was trying to find ways to keep myselfmentally clear and, you know, just looking, looking for acuity. And so to thatend, I had just gone through and systemically eliminated things in my diet thatI thought were slowing me down and I had never done any sort of stimulant likethat.

Uh, occasionally I'd have black tea or something, but thatwas, that was it. And then I heard Dave Asprey talking in a kind of an obscurepodcast in 2013 and thought, huh, you know, the biochem on that makes sense.I'll check that out. So, and I personally, I thought coffee was awful at thetime, fast forward.


Boomer Anderson: [00:18:25]Find out something you and I don't get or don't agree on.

Ian Mitchell: [00:18:30]Okay. So fast forward, eight years and I suck the stuff down like nobody'sbusiness. Um, but you know, it was one of those things where I thought, okay, Iremember actually at the time I. I bought all this stuff. And then I had, youknow, some grass at the Kerrygold butter, and then I got the brain octane oiland I started winning it up.

I actually have my notebooks where I was doing, you know,journaling exactly what I was doing is an experiment every morning, starting inJune of 2013. And, uh, I, after I started taking it, I thought, Oh my God, thisstuff's fantastic. Who knew, you know? And obviously everyone knew that coffeenot shocking. It was really great.

Um, but that's, uh, yeah, that's, it was just a shock to me.And so, uh, I have them constantly doing, doing coffee all the time now, but,uh, yeah, it was actually, it's funny. I started doing it participant biochemmade sense and it really did, you know, and it was, uh, it was palpable to whenyou took it. You could feel it.

And so I just got more and more kind of into the wholebiohacking thing and then started looking at different ways that I could apply,um, you know, either compounds that I was developing or, or chemicals that Iwas developing. Um, or in some cases, you know, mechanistic things like neuralresponses from tDCS units.

I build for myself. I was always, I was always trying tooptimize things, right. So, you know, one time I was, I spent a couple monthsreally doing a deep dive into, uh, the nootropics because I wanted to bereally, really kind of at the cutting edge mentally. And I didn't feel like Iwas quite there. So I was, um, tracking my mental performance on the Cambridgebrain sciences website.

And at the time there were about 77,800 people on the siteon instantly tracking no performance. So yeah, pretty good. But I could neverexceed. The 83rd percentile when I would do the battery of tests. And so Ispent a couple months really drilling down into nootropics, and then I, uh,ordered all this stuff.

And then at the time I, I just built the tDCS unit to tryand kind of up regulate the pace of the, of the potentiation, neuralpotentiation for the signaling. And then I did all these, uh, hardcorenootropics and I went back and I, it was a Sunday morning and I took thebattery of tests again and just crushing.

And, and I remember literally it was kind of familiar and I,and I've read a lot since then. The other people have had this experience whereyour actual color perception, shifts, you know, things like full Rasta jam. Um,and so one of the compounds was fenal veracity and, Oh my God, it wasphenomenal that, you know, I literally felt like the lights came and then Itook the entire battery of tests and maxed it.

Well, at least my, myself and I think three other people hadever scored that high. And, and it was easy and that was the thing. And theneverything down-regulated, it's kind of, it was kind of akin to be at theeffect that you get. If you do a nasal shot of vasopressor where you can justsuddenly, you know, memorize 200 Chinese characters in one shot with a hundredpercent accuracy that you're never looked up before.

You know, it's just, it's that kind of the beauty thatthere's so much untapped potential that we have that we never really delveinto. And so I, and I, I actually, because my dad, um, you know, our mutualfriend, Ted is a really brilliant guy and my dad is one of the other guys who'skind of got that sort of one of the highest IQs in the world.

And because of that, I was always around that as a kid. Andit was always a little daunting. So I was always trying to, you know, honestlyjust trying to keep up and never really thought that I'd be able to. So it wasalways kind of. Pushing the bounds to see what I could do to try and, uh, paceup a little bit.

Boomer Anderson: [00:22:16]Well, now I have to keep up with both UN Ted, so it's, uh, it's always keepingme on my toes. That's for sure. Uh, I, in, so somebody like you, when you, whenyou look at your projects and I've seen the mind map, right. But when you lookat what, what projects to take on and how you approach problems, is it aquestion that somebody brings to you typically does it all fall under this onetheme of longevity and living to one 30 because retirement becomes so mucheasier than, uh, or is it like, how do you start to filter out, uh, what worksor what interests you and what

Ian Mitchell: [00:22:56]doesn't.

Well, when I opened my lab seven, I guess actually eightyears ago now, uh, when I opened the lab, I wrote down six things on the boardthat I wanted to solve before I died. And so it was aging, cancer, clean water,global warming, uh, super luminal travel and free energy. And those were theones that I wanted to knock out.

And I figured if I could knock those out, then I would makea big dent for humanity, right? Yeah. And so to that end, anything that sort offalls in the structure of those under the umbrella of one of those, then Igenerally try and do it. Or if someone's doing something that I feel is reallynoble and they're trying to help people and heal people or kill the planet orsomething like that, I'm all in.

And because I do have a bit of a peculiar skillset, and Ithink it's because I have such a varied background in terms of, I'm not reallya specialist, um, as fate would have it, I do seem to be pretty adept atpicking things up quickly. So I can, I can learn enough to actually navigate,uh, navigate through most things, but it's really, it's just a matter of, doesit ethically, uh, align with what I'm trying to do?

And the overarching theme really isn't longevity, thelongevity, it was just. The more I got into it. It was just something that was,um, it gotten you moving in the right direction, but the farther I got into it,the more I realized this is where it feels right to be. And so there was kindof a peculiar alignment between my brain and my heart.

And when that all sinked up, uh, that was kind of the magic.You know, when I was doing things that I was passionate about, where I felt itwould, it would help people, you know, the projects as a way, you know, thefirst one was obviously aging and, you know, the 130 year thing that was, thatwas just at a first blush.

And it actually had 93% for a normal male in the U S thatwould work out to about 152. And that was, and honestly, I think that's veryeasily doable. Um, you know, since then I've looked at things like, you know,shy, Roddy's work in Israel where he's showing, you know, uh, retrogradeeffects and, and telomeres.

And, you know, when you, when you get, uh, You know, yourtelomerase kicked in and we tell them you're starving to being in retrogradeand actually lengthening. Um, that's pretty amazing, but you know, that, thatsaid just as a quick digression, via the idea of just living to, you know, a93% extension, I way blown past that at this point, I mean, that was, you know,six, seven years ago now.

So at this point I would be shocked if, if the idea ofliving anything less than three or 400% longer than normal lifespan is where Iwould actually settle because the sciences that it's there, it's funny because,um, people oftentimes ask me like, you know, will you don't have any data backthat supports that I have some animal data, but all of the data I have inpeople is just from watching the beneficial effects.

Uh, of the lack of degradation or the reparations to theirsystem, um, where they become more mobile and more mentally astute and thingslike that. So, yeah, the longevity thing, just a small component,

really it's. I mean, like you said, you've seen the mind mapof what I'm working on projects, um, where I feel people like, uh, you know,non-addictive opioid or anxiety Alytics or, uh, quantum shielding, um, forgamma rays, things, things that I think, you know, will fall into the categoryof one of those six things.

One of the big projects that I just did was a carbonnegative concrete. And so it, you know, it extracts, um, Harvin, generallyaccount or concrete generally accounts for about 8% of annual CO2 burden. Andso I was asked to come up with a way to see if I could do a carbon neutralconcrete, and I made a carbon neutral concrete, but then I thought this waspretty simple.

I bet I could beat this. So I went back and rejiggered the,uh, The chemistry a bit. And I was able to end up with, um, negating the 8% andthen pulling out another 24%. So a net reduction of 32%. And obviously it's notgoing to be ubiquitously adopted across the entire planet, but if it works, ifall of the concrete went to this, then suddenly there'd be a 32% reduction inthe annual greenhouse gas, which going back to my list, you know, fell underthe category of, you know, things to worry about in terms of global warming.

Yeah. Yeah. And then the cancer stuff, I'd say that's notquite a done deal. Um, but in terms of metastatic spread, yeah. I knocked thatout. And so oddly, you, you think that would be a bigger thing that would'vecaught, you know, a fair amount of press, but it, it really seems to gounnoticed, but Brandon that's a giant industry.

And I think the, uh, I don't really want to tangle or standup and scream, you know, look here, look here, pay attention because it's, youknow, But that's the kind of thing that people just get destroyed by, um,crushed by an industry like that. And then the other things, you know, I reallythink space travel is going to be kind of pivotal.

So I've worked a fair amount of that developed a new ionionic propulsion system, and then gamma shielding, um, using flux ons and someother things. And because some of the components that are missed or, you know,the moment you move out of the big news fear, gamma rays are just going to eviscerateyour gut biome.

And, you know, if you make it to Mars and you set up apollinator, that's great, but you're going to be just very genetically. Um,yeah. Yeah. And I don't, I don't want, you know, like people have a poster withthalidomide baby and go, Oh my gosh, they were so healthy, you know, and if youcompletely destroyed human's genetics and then you start having kids in somedistant remote world, things are probably not going to go so well.

So that was one of the, one of the things I wanted to takeout was, you know, looking at. If, if that's the next move for humanity, tomake sure that we're safe, how do you do that? So one of the simple things wasgamma shielding, you know, in an efficient way. I mean, there are other guyswho've worked on gamma Sheila, but nobody had anything that was really solid.

So I developed a pretty, an elegant system to do it. Andthen propulsion, um, the idea of strapping yourself to a bottle rocket, uh, isjust not terribly well thought out. I mean, I, I, I appreciate that. It's, um,it's the approach that, you know, everybody's used since Wernher Von Braun, butI'm not the best tech really, and it's just not a terribly good approach.

I mean, you know, the, because we discussed it, you know,kind of what I developed too. They negate that as a necessity, I just want tomove the needle. And so really going back to the question prior to mytangential approach to everything, um, I just want to help, I really dolegitimately want to move the needle and I've got, I figure if I'm, if I'mwalking in, I actually take my own medicine and do hopefully what I'm trying todo then I, you know, I've got a couple hundred years to play with to make, uh,to make a difference.

So that's what I'm going to do.

Boomer Anderson: [00:30:01]Yeah. All right. I, and where does ozone fit into this equation and how did youbecome interested in his own interrupting our regularly scheduled programmingto talk about bio charged? Yes. You're listening to the inventor of bio chargedresistor on the show today. And he's going to get into how this formulationreally came about a little bit later.

It's absolutely incredible. In fact, it involves people likeNicola, Tesla, and a few others, but. After you listened to that story. I wantyou guys to head over to bio charge.co and check out their product, the biocharge resistor. They have subscriptions, they have one-time purchases. And Ithink it's worth trying, especially if you have gut health or immune systemissues, you get all of the effects of ozone therapy without really having to goto your local center, check it out, bio charged.co, and let's get back to myconversation with

Ian Mitchell: [00:31:05]Okay. So, um, a friend of mine, um, Bobby Dillard has a real estate companythat I really liked. These structured everything very well, and I admire theway you put it together. It's it's truly, it's really brilliant organization.And we were talking and he needed to come up with a way and early 20, 20 to beable to have his daycares open up at all of his different facilities.

Um, that were clean and disinfected. So we started lookingat things like UV lighting and looking at UBC and, you know, trying to, tryingto come up with ways to clean the space. But the issue with UV lights is thatunless it's in a direct line of contact or primarily direct line of contact,when you do get some wave interaction, but, uh, with, with the actual light,you're not going to be able to knock out a virus or anything like that.

So then we started pondering ozone and then when we we'reboth biohackers, so we, uh, we looked at it and Bobby said, now, I wonder if wecould just make this an ozone treatment, um, you know, kind of, if we couldreplace say like auto hemotherapy, which is, I don't know if you've ever doneall the chemotherapy, but it's actually, it's really cool thing.

You basically, you extract, uh, you know, maybe a hundredmils of blood and then you inject ozone into it. So this would be like

Boomer Anderson: [00:32:26]10 paths or

Ian Mitchell: [00:32:27]something like that. Yeah, that's basically, yeah, it is like 10 pass, but it'sa single pass. So 10 passes, you know, you're literally doing it in multiples,but this is a single pass of the 10th.

And so you extract your blood, you mix the ozone and theozone is about the third, most reactive chemical species. So there are ahundred million molecular interactions in a sec. And so when you put the bloodin the bag and you hit it with the ozone, you actually see it change color, andyou mix it up a little bit and Kerns is generally much prettier, lighter color,and then you reintroduce it in your system.

Um, and you get all the benefits of the stabilized owes andnines, you know, because like I said, there's no actual that people think thatthey're injecting ozone. They're not the ozone reacts so rapidly that whathappens did you end up with a, uh, like, uh, a reduction oxidation reaction,right? So you've got this, this redox process that happens and it happens very,very rapidly.

So you ended up with these stabilized ozone eyes, which justhave an unstable oxygen kickoff, just like. Ozone is Oh three in lieu of Oh twoOh two being stable or three, having this very, you know, unstable, um,capacity to want to pull off, off electrons and oxidized. So in that sense, um,we thought, well, okay, that's maybe a thing to do.

And we kind of pondered the idea of like, well going in andhaving auditing therapy is sort of a pain in the ass because it takes, youknow, an hour and you have to sit there and have your blood drawn. And then,uh, the question came up when we were nauseous, rid of, can you do that in apill? Is there a way you can take something in a pill?

And w I mean, obviously because it's like the convenient,easy way to do it. And so I, you know, I didn't know. And so I started lookingat what had been done before. And one of the things I found was in the late 18hundreds, Tesla had made this portable ozone generator and in the early 19hundreds in 1904, he thought that he started a thing called Tesla ozone.

Or ozonated oil company. And it was literally, it was, hewas taking olive oil and he was bubbling ozone through it while it was abovethis Bay of high-strength magnetic field of manners. And, uh, and then the oilhad all these magical healing properties, and I looked at it and I thought,well, okay, that seems reasonable.

So I started looking at all the companies that are doing ittoday, and there were a fair amount of people that were making ozonated oil,but then I started talking to them. I said, okay, so what's the process? Andthey said, well, you know, it takes two and a half weeks. And you as anatheist, kind of look at triple pass, redox reactions, and everybody across theboard was doing the same thing.

And I was thinking, yeah, Tesla was really bright. Heprobably would not have taken eight weeks and had this very costly magneticfield Ray under these things. If there wasn't a purpose. So I started thinking.Why did he do that? And then it hit me that he was doing it because you'redealing with a polar molecule.

And if you basically get them to move in alignment, you cankind of get everything going single file rather than in sort of a chaoticstructure. So he was actually as, as the ozone bubbles through the viscositychanges and it becomes, you know, a more gel white substance and he was doingthe very brilliant thing of actually aligning all the molecules and, you know,in a field force line so that if you'd get more active units per volume,without them interacting and being spent.

And it was truly, it was just brilliant when I realized whathe did, then I thought, Holy cow, a cat was so far ahead of everybody else inhis day. I mean, honestly, it must've been a little bit lonely to be that guy.He probably. Yeah. I mean, if you watch the

Boomer Anderson: [00:36:06]documentaries on him, it just seems like there was a, it was a pretty lonelycharacter in certain points.

Ian Mitchell: [00:36:11]So yeah, it really does seem like that. You know, he, uh, I would imagine youprobably didn't have a whole lot of people to interact with that really got it.Um, so I, I looked at that and I thought, damn, that's great. I, I should dothat. And then I thought, well, should I really do that? Because I did actuallyexperimentally do it just to see if I could do it.

There wasn't that much of a trick, but then I thought, whatwould Tesla do if he were doing this today? Because I've got a hundred years ofreally cool physics, knowledge and tech that wasn't around then. And I thought.I have an inkling. So then I started trying to figure out how I could break itdown.

And the farther I got, the more it actually in terms ofstrength actually started to approach being able to replace auto hemotherapy,but you couldn't do it in a, in a little dose just because the molecularinteraction wasn't strong enough. So then, um, and this, this borders on a bitesoteric, but it's just the reality of how it actually happened.

There's a, there's a felony Barry Morgan. Who's aintrascopic surgeon, but is his real gig. Everybody jokes about him as beingkind of like Dr. Strange. And it's, uh, it's kind of accurate. He's a littlebit on the, uh, the far fringe of things, but we were at a paleo FX and 2019,and he did this thing that I didn't quite understand at the time he opened a packof protein powder and student into two separate files.

And he put his hand above one of the piles for just a fewseconds and he said, taste it. And I tasted the regular one. Normal proteinpowder. I tasted the pile that he had just always hand over and it wasdelicious, like absolutely amazing. I thought that's incredible. You know,there was no change in color, no change in eat.

So there wasn't any thermal emission, nothing had jumpedthrough a different Orville shell. I didn't see any evidence of interaction.And I asked him, I said, what did you do? And he said, Oh, I charged him withsource energy. And which, you know, when you tell a scientist I charge, whatwas

Boomer Anderson: [00:38:08]your, what was your reaction in that moment?

Ian Mitchell: [00:38:11]My reaction was, I just tasted it. So either my taste buds had been hacked orthere's something fundamentally different. So, you know, a lot of times I thinkgood science generally stems from the idea that we don't, you know, we're justoperating on math based on the technology we have at the moment. And science isreally a function of something that's, it's a construct walked into.

So we're dealing with, you know, 21st century science rightnow. And. That doesn't really, it's not terribly descriptive. I mean, I knowthat if you went back 500 years and looked at the technology that we have now,you would be Oscar. And I think in the future, a lot of the things that seemfringy or spiritual, or you know, where you're going with Quanta and things likethat, they'll have a much better grasp on it because time will have progress.

We'll have tools to actually drill down, analyze it. Infact, some of the things that I've been working on lately, I can't actuallyanalyze the effect of what I'm doing on the compounds. I have to go for asecondary, I have to look at what does it do to the blood? You know, like, likeactually do dark field microscopy and say, okay, how is this changing?

What does it actually look like? And when you see a hugelypronounced effect there, you can go back and go, okay, something's different. Idon't yet know exactly what, but something's different. So in this case, Ididn't know what the help, you know, I. You know, imbued it with source energywillingness. And I, you know, sadly not wanting to seem the fool.

I, I didn't actually grill, grill him as to what exactlythat meant, but I never lost sight of it because I can taste it, which meant Ihave separate for it. And if you have receptors for it, then you can buildsomething to test for. If you can build something to test for it, even if, youknow, tangentially test for it, then you can start to kind of drill downthrough the periphery until you end up with something that you're affecting.

And so that's what I did. I started thinking, well, if therewas no change in temperature that knocks out an entire category of things thatcould have happened. And if there was no change in color, that entire categoryof things happen. So then I started thinking, well, what else can you, what elsecan you do?

And there's all sorts of things. Like, you know, people likeI'll put off and guys like that, look at, you know, Feel the facts and in kindof the quantum field, the bubbling zero point energy field. And there there's,there's a lot of really brilliant research and that sort of stuff, but Ithought, well, okay, if I make this a model that I can just understand, Istarted thinking about the molecules, um, as, as related to say, you know, kindof like the, the old, uh, bore model of the atoms, because it's easy.

My head, I started thinking about the nucleus and the sunand then the planets and the orbital shells would be electrons. And I thought,well, you know, If you look at the confined energy in the system, right. Um,and you go back and you, and you start looking at how that's been done since,you know, 1924.

Basically we, when we, uh, we started drilling down into howwave mechanics worked, everybody looked at the, the confined energy system assomething where, you know, for the analogy I was just using, um, the, theconfined energy or the planets revolving around the sun. Well, that's notactually the real, the real is the revolution of the planets, the rotation ofplanets on their own axis, not, you know, the, the revolution around the sun.

And so I thought, well, you know, everything has spin,right. Bozo, Sonic, and for me on expense. So all things are moving. What if Iin train the spin? And then I started thinking about it. Well, Okay. That thatwould make sense because it would be, you know, they're, they're alreadyspinning, but if I could make it coherent, then I could kind of quantize the,the energy in these different little packets and get everything moving, uh, atthe same rate.

And once I have them moving at the same rate, I should beable to use some sort of resonant function to bump up the energy levels. And sothat's what I did, because if you get them spinning more rapidly and change thefundamentals of spend, then the confined energy in the system goes up. Eventhough from the outside, it appears exactly the same, which is what I had seenwith, you know, the protein powder was everything had the appearance of beingexactly the same, but it was obviously fundamentally different.

And so I started devising ways to do that, doing experimentsaround, trying to see if I could amp up the energy in a system, uh, in terms ofspin. And so eventually I came up with a way to do that, and then I thought,well, it's going to be great. So I need to come up with a way to walk that inphase. And so then I started looking at pornography and using a pulse lasers.

And if you've ever watched how, you know, someone makes aholographic plate, the thing that's really cool to me, at least about aholographic plate is holograms. You know, you hold up the plate and it looksjust like a pretty image where you can kind of see through it. But all of theinformation is contained in every little piece of that.

So if you shatter that plate and you have just one smallpiece, it contains all the information, the entire system. And the other thingthat's really intriguing is that if you shine a light through it, you can seethat 3d image. But if you shine coherent light through it, then you canactually get perfect recreation of that thing down to subatomic scale.

And so you really do lock in the information that's confinedin that system. So I came up with an array to pump these things up and thenmake a gel in this case, in ozonated oil and use the gel as the storage medium.Because if you look at a glass plate, glass is an amorphous solid, it's notcrystal. And so the structure isn't as defined as everyone thinks and over saythe timescale, you know, 10, 15,000 years, you'd actually see it flowing downlike a sheet of water.

That's out. It, you know, that's in a different temporalscale. And if you, if you know, you can make a sheet of soap bubbles and watchthem go down her sheet of water in the same, but you think of glass is thisvery fixed stable thing. It's only a very fixed and stable to us because we'relocked in her own temporal scale.

If you extrapolate that out and start pointing to somethinglike femtosecond pulse lasers, the difference between. You know, water or a geland a piece of glass is far less than the difference in the actual pacing ofthe laser fire. So I basically made a holographic gel so that I could walk in,you know, using dichroic beam splitters and the whole nine yards, just like youwould with any other sort of homography lock in the information and find thenet system and keep the States at that point.

And that's what I did. And then, you know, kind of the proofis in the pudding, the a, if you take normal hose, unaided oil and you adjustit, you get one effect. And if you take the, you know, the stuff that is thebio charge products and you ingested, you can have entirely different effects.It's kind of jokingly it's.

You know, I say it goes to 11 because if what you're inessence doing is turning up the volume of the molecule without changing themolecule. And because when it, when it has the interaction, you're not justlooking at the one interaction because of the inherent energy and the systemsets up a cascade and that the impact of that reaction is far more pronounced.

So it's kind of like a Blitzkrieg, right? There's there'snot a whole lot going on, but when you adjust the thing, your body thinks that,Oh my God, I'm experiencing this insanely large oxidative assault. Um, butyou're not, but it doesn't know that. So it mobilizes, you know, SOP to glue,to thigh own your body's endogenous antioxidant defense regiments, right?

So you, you propagate all these things up in response tothis huge threat that's just occurred and you get all the benefits of that. Butthe reality is no giant threat has just occurred. It's just. Shifted your, youknow, your physiologic perception of the event. So kind of get the benefitwithout that.

Boomer Anderson: [00:46:09]I am let's, let's just recap.

You just hit a big portion of the benefits of ozone, um,there at the end, but just for people that are listening right now and aresaying like, Hey, this sounds really, really interesting, fascinatingtraditional ozone therapy. What do people use it for? And then you mentionedthat you took it to an 11 with the bio charge.

What are some of the effects or the feedbacks that you'regetting right now? Um, from various users?

Ian Mitchell: [00:46:38]Um, well actually I would recommend anybody just go to the website. It's biocharged as CEO and look at the comments and people will go onto Instagram orFacebook and look at the comments that people are coming up, but it's, um,Historically people use ozone to knock out viral load.

Uh, if, you know, if you were having mental issues, mentalfog, something that you thought might be coming from, you know, virus, bacteria,some sort of mold, you could use those on. And it actually it's reallyphenomenally good. Um, you can do rectal insufflation, um, you can do all that.You can therapy and fast.

Uh, you can actually, I wouldn't recommend breathing itbecause it, yeah.

Boomer Anderson: [00:47:20]That's the, one of the things that people say just don't do.

Ian Mitchell: [00:47:23]Yeah. It's, it's a really, that's a really, really bad idea. Um, just becauseof how reactive it is. Uh, you know, the benefit is also the detriment if usedin the wrong capacity.

So people are noticing, um, their, their GI system gets kindof remodeled because your body, a lot of people say, well, Oh, is it negativelyimpacting the healthy Tesla for, and. It would, if it were having a direct interaction,but because it's, it's going actually into the small intestine, it was, youknow, I used a delayed release passes so that it would actually open in thesmall intestine.

So you could get, get perfused and your blood more systemicas opposed to localized. Um, if, if everything opened just in your stomach,yeah. It could have an interaction with the health and stuff, but it's reallyopening your small intestine and you're getting more systemic effects. So yourbody's own systems up regulate, and you're just giving yourself more energy,you know, when you stimulate the mitochondria like that, because they gettriggered and thinking that there's the salt.

So you have a mitochondrial upregulation and you actuallyfeel it. You, you start to get a little heat, which is kind of funny just from,you know, the size that a third of a mil, you know, um, Pretty tiny, but youcan actually take one capsule and feel yourself, start flushing the feet. Andthat's because it's, you know, cranked up so that it has a much more pronouncedimpact.

But because of that, that mitochondrial up regulation givesyou more energy. Um, it definitely has an effect on your GI system. And, youknow, if people have something like candida, um, you know, I tell them thatthey need to take binders with it because it really will disarray and Dita andyou know, and you can play with the dosing too.

Um, Typically, I just recommend that people just take oneGasol, cause it's, it's got enough foams, but some, some people do too. Um, Iused to do just one, but in the past couple months I've been doing two. Um, andI take them on an empty stomach in the morning. And the reason for that is ifyou have anything in your stomach, um, generally it goes in and it stops yourstomach.

And so you end up with the interaction there and if you havesomething like can't eat it, it can be a little uncomfortable because it causessuch a rapid die off of the candida that you really need to take binders likethat. So you don't end up with headaches or feeling really bad. Um, but like Iwas saying, you can, you can play around with the delivery taken on an emptystomach.

It's more of a systemic effect. If you do have candied anywant to take that, uh, how of the game take it with a little food. So it staysin your stomach, knocks out. The candida really only needed to do it for a fewdays. In fact, even things like GRD at parasites, just get obliterated by thisstuff, you know, a couple of days and you can knock out charity at which is.

Honestly, pretty fantastic. My mom had CRD about a year ago,but, you know, unfortunately I didn't have this at the time. So the medicationthey put her on was kind of disturbing and it took quite a while. Um, yeah.Live and learn, I suppose.

Boomer Anderson: [00:50:20]And so if I'm going to compare, uh, ozone delivery mechanisms here and justsort of, you know, I'm one of those people that's evaluating, you know, shouldI buy the thousand Euro ozone machine versus taking this?

Is there a difference and the effect that I would get fromlike rectal insufflation versus this, or is it sort of similar if not better?

Ian Mitchell: [00:50:43]Well, in terms of rectal insufflation, um, it's actually pretty similar if youtake it on an empty stomach, cause you're really getting it kind of in the sameregion. Um, and.

For me personally, um, I actually prefer the capsule, uh, asopposed to the rectal delivery method. Yeah. Yeah. I

Boomer Anderson: [00:51:02]mean, I think most people listening to this would, would argue the same.

Ian Mitchell: [00:51:07]Yeah. Um, now in terms of efficacy, um, I wouldn't say that there's actuallydepending on how you dose it, right? You can modulate it by taking morecapsules or doing a longer period of insufflation at a higher ratio of theozone to the air mixture.

There's lots of, lots of ways you can vary it. Um, for me,it's actually, I I've done pretty much most of the methods, uh, I it's, it'sactually about being it's and I think this is just such an easy thing to do.Also. You really don't have the risk. It eliminates when you're, when you'reactually playing with.

Ozone, if you miss the dosing, you're pretty much tickled,right? Because you're stripping mucosal, membranes, and you're having a directmolecular interaction with something that is literally stripping off electronsand oxidize things. And that didn't have some deleterious consequences. Youknow, if, if you really don't know exactly what you're doing, I actually don'trecommend that people buy.

I mean, I've got three units, but, um, I I'd say go tosomebody who does it all the time. Yeah. As opposed to being a cowboy andtrying to do it on your own. I mean, you can definitely do it if you're abiohacker, you know, you're probably gonna do it anyway. Um, but it's better ifyou, you know, the first time out of the gate, Go to a doctor who does it allthe time.

It's not that find a specialist and it's only a couple ofhundred bucks. Yeah. Um, for me personally, I liked the ability to do it on adaily basis. And you know, it's not, it's pretty cheap. I mean, it's less than50 bucks and you get to do it on the daily and it's just literally popping apill before I do anything else in the morning and you can feel it, you know,it, it keeps me humming right along.

So, um, 10 pass, if you've got something systemically,that's a big issue, 10 passes better. Um, you're going to end up with a farmore pronounced effect and it's going to clean you out entirely. Um, so there'snot really much of a comparison. I don't literally the, the way I designed it.It's not something that you're going to replace, you know, like 10 passes.

You might approximate a fraction because it is equivalent tokind of like doing a pass. But 10 passes is a much better system and I've got adifferent Mac doc who does that in San Francisco. And, you know, they have. Atremendous amount of success doing that sort of thing.

Boomer Anderson: [00:53:27]Amazing. I, and what I want to do, cause this is just the first of manyconversations you and I are going to have lucky you.

That's awesome. I love that. And so what I want to do now iswant to transition into a few rapid fire questions, uh, because at the end, Iwant to give people a shot to go out and find the bio charged stuff. But, uh,first question is, uh, let's start with this one. What excites you most aboutthe health world right now?

Ian Mitchell: [00:53:58]Ooh, quantum medicine. That is what excites me the most. I think people areactually getting to the point where they're starting to look for effects. Uh,in things that actually make a difference in lieu of kind of hacking aroundrandomly, you know, it's, it's, I always get back to that and every David'sroofing and for every thousand hacking believes will be able there's onehacking at the root B, the guy hacking at the root and in my, in my estimation,quantum medicine and quantum biology, that's the route that's where it's reallyat.

It's, it's the transition point where you go from kind ofthe ephemeral to the tangible, and also the point at which you can elicit thelargest response with the least effort. So that excites me, that actually

Boomer Anderson: [00:54:39]excites the hell out. I'm going to write that down. B, B the guy hacking at theroot. That's pretty, it's a great quote.

Um, what is your top trick for enhancing focus? Youmentioned you played around with all kinds of stuff before, but what's your toptrick

Ian Mitchell: [00:54:55]these days? Uh, single top trick is meditation that's. Uh, and so I do a coupleof different things. I do actually, Dr. Margolin, uh, dark beat. I do histechniques, uh, energy for success.

So I follow his stuff and then I also do a TM and acombination of those. And then I read voraciously and w and when I say I read.As it pertains to focus. I read things that are specific to enhancing mycapacity, which usually isn't, um, things, you know, around mental performance,that's mental performance, I think is actually kind of a second secondaryeffect.

I think things that enhance your consciousness and make yourconsciousness stronger, have the net effect of bringing you up or across allfields. And it's kind of, you know, the rising tide raises all ships. And so Ifocus on. Things that really do have an impact. Um, when you, when youmeditate, if you go into a deep state of meditation, you stimulate over 80% ofyour entire cerebral cortex.

And the only way a guy can do that, you know, is in myopinion, you're either some contract sex master or report you're going tomeditate because the two times that occurs is if people are in a deep state ofmeditation or they've had an orgasm, it's lasted more than three minutes. Sofor me, personally, not so much an option.

Um, but, but you know, it it'd be a

Boomer Anderson: [00:56:21]fun project to work on. Right,

Ian Mitchell: [00:56:25]right. But my hair would be consistently, must up and I'd have a really dumpedlook on my face all day. Um, yeah. So I think for me, it's really it's the, theacuity is a by-product is staying focused and being perceptive is really alljust about expanding my consciousness.

You know, the more I can do things like that. Um, The more,the effects are beneficial. You know, I I'd recommend anybody. I look at thatDavid Hawkins. I don't know if you've ever looked at his stuff in a powerversus force. I really, I subscribed to the idea that as your consciousnessstarts to expand your brain restructures and your capacity to do things andperceive things clearly gets enhanced.

And for me, the outcropping of being able to do all of thesedifferent fields is simply just a result of trying to shift my consciousness sothat I can actually hold more in one shot, because a lot of the things thatI've been able to develop are because I see interrelations and patterns in onefield and relate it to another one.

When I was a kid, I mainlined this show called connections.It was a. From Jamesburg the British journalists. And I still remember all ofthose and you know, every couple of years I'll go back and watch them, but itreally, it was this brilliant show because it just showed one, one concept andthen it took it all the way back to its inception.

And the thing I was left with was it was never a straightline. Right. And so the idea of focus in our culture a lot of times is singlepointed focus, which does have its, you know, necessities and some certainaspects. But really, I think what you're trying to do is figure out how does itenhance focus, benefit people.

So my hack is look at it systemically and kind of a holisticapproach up your consciousness and your focus and acuity will go up andmeasure. No,

Boomer Anderson: [00:58:16]that was brilliant. Thank you. Um, one second, last question here, book, whichhas most impacted your life?

Ian Mitchell: [00:58:27]Well, that has most impacted my life. Um, razors edge w Somerset mom.

Why, why

Boomer Anderson: [00:58:37]that one in particular?

Ian Mitchell: [00:58:40]Because the idea that's what you're focusing on may not actually be the thingthat really has the most import to yourself and to humanity as a whole. And soit's, you know, the, the story there, I think when the, uh, when theprotagonist really kind of gets it as it were, he realizes that all of thethings that he's been marching forwards weren't necessarily the most pivotal orimportant things, you know, and the idea, um, that's very vaccines.

A lot of people is sometimes you can do everything justright, and it still doesn't work. And sometimes you can do everything seeminglyin an inappropriate fashion and everything comes together. Um, you know, it'sjust, it's, uh, Looking at the, the reality that we're in through a differentlens and realizing that as people were coming from a very small perspective, Imean, it just, in terms of the actual physics of it, you know, we perceivesomething like 0.00, zero, zero 1% of reality, just in terms of the bandwidthof what we're able to pick up in terms of the EMF spectrum.

And, you know, so that's a chem too. Cause I was, I wastrying to explain this to somebody that that's akin to getting a thousandsquare foot flat and having to assess the entire flat by looking at a squareinch, you know, can you, can you really do that? You know, uh, or where you arein Amsterdam, you know, it's free at 335 meters and you're able to look at, youknow, two, two square centimeters, um, You know, you know, that you're notgoing to have an accurate perspective.

And so that, uh, the Razor's edge kind of just drilled thatdown for me a little bit at the time when I read it, I thought, okay, you know,there's obviously we're going on the reality that I'm perceiving, ah, I need toadjust my awareness and trying to see more, which that's when I really startedtrying to, you know, learn meditation, things like that in my early twenties,because I just knew that there was more going on that I was able to perceive.

And so it was, that was, that was the hammer hitting thecrystal at the exact right moment to cause it to cleave in the proper way. Andit really launched me on a, on a path where I started looking at other things.And just to as a second, uh, and I know you didn't ask, but as the second,actually the books that I had referenced power versus force by David Hawkins.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant tome. I wish more people hadaccess to that and would look at it because it just in and of itself, it's abrilliant work, but what it's, it's real overtones in terms of. Humanity andkind of looking out for one another. Fantastic. I

Boomer Anderson: [01:01:17]haven't delved that much into power versus force, but I've read letting go,which is also a fantastic book and highly recommended both.

Both of them. Obviously I'll check out power versus forcethough. Uh, I, and where can people find out more about you in bio charge andeverything that you're up to?

Ian Mitchell: [01:01:37]Um, well, let's see. So for bio charge, just go to bio charged.com and you canlook at everything there. And then my own site, uh, it's a bit clandestine.

Uh, and I, I did this recently just in terms of getting,getting a little bit, uh, More inquisitive responses from people going, wow,you want to know more about what you're doing? So I have a site in Mitchellsciences, um, that people can look at, but I don't actually even know if it'sup yet. I think it may just be under construction.

Oddly enough. I'm not really terribly focused on that. I'mkind of spinning, spinning my time, trying to crack other puzzles that, uh, youknow, that, that have a little bit more weight. Yeah. I imagine of

Boomer Anderson: [01:02:19]the problem set that you laid out earlier, this having your own websiteprobably falls a little bit further down the

Ian Mitchell: [01:02:26]spectrum.

Yeah. Yeah. I, I do think it's neat when, uh, luckily peopleI'm not, I'm not that hard to find. You can get me, you know, I in mental oneon Instagram and just. Hit me up with a DM or something like that. And I'mpretty accessible, you know, it's not like a real cloistered ivory tower. So

Boomer Anderson: [01:02:48]I am, this is an absolute pleasure.

And like I said, we're going to do this again soon. I hopewe can do it again in person.

Ian Mitchell: [01:02:55]Um, that would be Epic. I would love to do it first. And that would be great.Yeah. You're always welcome here. We can meet up in Colorado or DC or, orAmsterdam if travel ever opens up. Yeah. I

Boomer Anderson: [01:03:08]feel like I am coming your way sooner than you'll be coming mine, but we'll,

Ian Mitchell: [01:03:13]we'll probably

Boomer Anderson: [01:03:14]we'll make that happen either way, but thank you, my friend, this has been anabsolute

Ian Mitchell: [01:03:18]pleasure, truly.

Awesome. Thanks Ben.

Boomer Anderson: [01:03:21]Link to all this stuff in the show notes guys, but have an absolutely Epic day.

Every time I talk to, I am, I have a notebook and adictionary nearby. In fact, every time I talked to him, I spend just as muchtime, if not more looking up half of the things that he told me and today'sconversation was just a sample of one of those. I hope you enjoyed it. If youdid head on over to Apple podcasts, Spotify, wherever you listen to podcasts.

When you have a five star rating, all of them areappreciated. And I can assure you guys that I, and we'll be back on the show inthe feature. The show notes for this one are to coding superhuman.com/  that's I a N and have an absolutely Epic.


Ian Mitchell
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