Joined by the editor of this podcast, Roy Matz, we reflect on all of the things that happened in the past quarter. This is a wide-ranging reflection on: routines, new experiences, time management, best books and documentaries, and a lot more.
Joined by the editor of this podcast, Roy Matz, we reflect on all of the things that happened in the past quarter. This is a wide-ranging reflection on: routines, new experiences, time management, best books and documentaries, and a lot more.
[4:45] Freediving experience
[12:15] New Morning Routines
[22:11] The Three Iteration Process
[21:30] Importance of daily routines
[24:05] Embracing play
[36:40] Allocating Time
[41:02] Favorite Documentaries
[49:19] Best Books
Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Part 1 and Part 2 with Josh Holland
Embracing play with Darryl Edwards
Bstrong blood flow restriction
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success By Deepak Chopra
Boomer Anderson: [00:00:00]Welcome to decoding superhuman. This show is a deep dive into obsessions withhealth performance, and how to elevate the human experience. I explore thelatest tools, science and technology with experts in various fields of humanoptimization. This is your host Boomer Anderson. Enjoy the journey.
My man. Good to catch up with you as always
Roy Matz: [00:00:41]as always.
Boomer Anderson: [00:00:43]Yeah. How's everything flowing. You're moving soon.
Roy Matz: [00:00:47]Um, I want to believe I am. You can never know. Here in the, in the Holy land,in the Holy land, which is full of restrictions right now.
Boomer Anderson: [00:01:00]Yeah. Including your mailing service.
Roy Matz: [00:01:03]All right, love it. Gotta love that mailing service.
My, my passport, whoever is flying with my passport rightnow. If you hear it, that shadow, see you shadow suit DHL. Um, they're notsponsoring this episode, but shout out to all of you.
Boomer Anderson: [00:01:20]I wouldn't mind a referral. Well, you know, an affiliate arrangement with DHL.I didn't use them or how you use them quite a bit this year.
Roy Matz: [00:01:26]So they do not talk any, any, um, any English in the German embassy in the, inthe German DHL. So. If you want to communicate them, you got to have atranslator. That's what I learned in the past.
Boomer Anderson: [00:01:42]Yeah. It's a similar here in the Netherlands. So it's, uh, it's always fun whenyou get a massive VAT bill and they can't really explain to you where it camefrom.
So we were like, yeah, it's just 50% of the purchase price.And you're like, okay, that makes no sense considering. Yeah. VAT is 20. Soanyway, rocking along,
Roy Matz: [00:02:06]rocking in along. We've um, we've been, we've been jamming quite a lot in thepast two days and you've been jamming quite a lot in this last quarter.
What's what's your jam been like in the last quarter? Yeah.
Boomer Anderson: [00:02:22]Great way to get started. And how long do we have, you know, we'll try and keepthis one a little bit shorter than typical episode, but, um, it's funny becausewe were talking a little bit about Greg McKeown and that whole bookessentialism. And for me.
And I probably said this the quarter before, but like justtrying to boil things down to what is essential has been this amazing elaboratedifficult process for, for a number of reasons. Like I've always been a yesperson. I've always been focused on, you know, trying to deliver the best, etcetera. And those two actually don't mix well together.
So when I'm looking at. How to improve the quality of thework that I deliver in the world and just being able to actually move, um, movethe needle on health, which is sort of what I'm focused on. Mmm. You know,boiling things down to what is essential every day is very, very, has becomejust sort of the tantamount thing.
Like, okay, what is the number one priority? It's what I askmyself every morning. And for me, that's. Predominantly thinking around strategyfor smarter, not harder, which is the parent company of prescriptions. Right.And so, you know, trying to make sure that everything else with the exception,this podcast really, and my clients is, is sort of pushed at, or at least.
My input is minimized to a certain extent. So it's been ahell of a quarter, man, you know, spending two weeks in Spain, learning a wholenew sport, uh, just. Experimenting with a whole lot of stuff in the researchand development side of things. And yeah. Things have been beautiful, but I'mnot moving to Bali anytime soon.
I'm like somebody I know.
Roy Matz: [00:04:22]So looks like, so am I and my friend shout, shout outs to DHL again, this, uh,this episode is not sponsored. Anyway,
Boomer Anderson: [00:04:33]this episode is sponsored by FedEx.
Roy Matz: [00:04:35]Oh, Oh yeah. Um, yeah. What's what's that new sport you were, you were talkingabout. We were talking about.
Boomer Anderson: [00:04:45]Yeah. So we, you and I are, and what's funny is like you're, you're in Israelright now.
Right. And, um, I spent. Two weeks in Majorca. And for along time have been investigating this whole world of free diving. Maybeinitially it was just sort of, okay. It's very interesting to see people holdtheir breath. And for awhile, I was very interested in just the breathtechnique of apnea breathing, which is kind of the breathe up that leads togoing under water, uh, particularly in free diving.
And so when we went down to my Orca, For two weeks, I madesure that we had time to go free diving. And one of the places that we werestaying, and I think it's, I don't know if it's Plensa or whatever the namewas, but, um, hired an instructor because I didn't want to die. And when freediving, I got to say, I I'm a person who has a history of competitive sportsand competitive careers.
And I. Up until this point have largely driven my life oncompetition and sort of being number one on the scoreboard Free diving was veryinteresting. And I'm curious as to your experience with it as well, becausewhen I tried to be the number one on the scoreboard, meaning go down thedeepest and hold my breath for the longest was when I nearly burst my left eardrum, but free diving itself, when you, follow the breath work, go down slowerequalize properly. Make sure that you're relaxing. You're not staring at thebottom of the ocean. You can actually go quite deep and it is quite ameditative process. So in some ways I I've fallen in love with this thingbecause we're all in this journey to calm our mind, which is kind of a myth initself.
Uh, but it's, it's such a peaceful sport in the sense thatyou have to be focused on what you're doing. It's the only thing that you'redoing and everything that you're doing in the lead up to the dive. Is meant torelax. You meant to slow your heart rate meant to be able to store up oxygenfor that dive.
So, you know, I've, we went for two days and you know, we'reonly talking like on the second day depths of 30 meters, but hell I love thisshit. It's just so much fun. And I know you've been doing a little bit of ityourself.
Roy Matz: [00:07:19]30 meters deep as a lot. So, you know, for two days,
Boomer Anderson: [00:07:24]yeah. Well, I have no perspective here.
Right? Other than if you Google world record and freediving, it's probably more like 150 plus, so I'm just,
Roy Matz: [00:07:34]yeah. But that comes back to, to the competitive ness of it. Yeah,
Boomer Anderson: [00:07:38]absolutely.
Roy Matz: [00:07:39]Which is again, like. I don't know if you, I, if I, I look at a new sport, Idon't look to, to break the world record. I just try to become a better me.
Yeah. With that said, I feel like the lead up to a free diveis kind of, it really represent to me. It is, yeah. It can be metaphoricallylike your day, you know? Yeah. If you're not breathing into your day, if you'renot ready for your day or for your week or for whatever. That comes. You'regonna be in chaos.
And that's what, that's what it feels like when you don'thave enough air in your lungs and you're starting to get anxiety and inside thewater, first of all, it's dangerous. And so you've got to calm down, butsecond, secondly, it just, it's just unsuccessful. Yeah. So
Boomer Anderson: [00:08:37]you start getting convulsions in your diaphragm way too early, and it's just
Roy Matz: [00:08:41]right.
It's not. It's not only the, it's the ma it's not funanymore. It's just that. And, and the fact is, I feel like when we do sports,when we work out, when we expose ourselves to the sun, when we do whatever wedo, it's hard. Again, it's easier said than done, but you know, you gotta, yougotta be so present. And when you, when you free to have, it's literally yourlife on the line.
Cause if, if you, you get down to 30 meters and you, youstart panicking, you. Are definitely screwed. Like you're not, and yeah. Andit's, and when it's a life and death situation like that, then you kind of haveto stay grounded in the moment. Even if you feel like you don't have any morebreadth, you gotta.
Uh, push forward a little bit more, push yourself a littlebit more. So that's what it's like for me, free diving is the second you letgo. There's such a sense of peace and flow.
Boomer Anderson: [00:09:40]Yeah.
Roy Matz: [00:09:41]That cannot. I could not, I didn't anything else. Um, this, this week we had,um, I told you this story, but me and a friend were just going, I'm going.
Into the, into the depth, like not, not very deep, but goingas far as we could kind of one would go the farthest, the farthest they can.And they would be like the, you know, they would be that the Mark for the otherone for the other person to go, we started at the same spot. And then my friendwent something like 15, 20 meters.
Uh, Uh, to from me and I just went below and I felt thisinsane sense of flow in which I just passed her. And I just kept on going andkept on going and kept on going. And it was just, it felt so transcended. Icame out of the water now. I was like, what is this?
Boomer Anderson: [00:10:45]It's incredible. Right. So. And if you look at just a good free diver or eventhe couple of what I would call quote unquote, good dives that I had, um, italmost seems effortless, right?
And so you go into the water with such a state ofrelaxation, your heart rates really, really low. And either you're pullingyourself down or you're doing the constant kick down or whatever techniqueyou're using. And. You get to this point where you have like the negativebuoyancy and. It's just a beautiful thing to watch and it's even more beautifulto experience like you have a, if you have a technically sound dive, you're likepretty relaxed when you get down there and you're like, Holy shit.
I'm down at 30 meters, which is nice feet. And. You're justsitting there and you're like, ah, I could probably hold my breath here foranother minute. Now, of course, on that particular dive, I smacked my head onthe fucking one, but like, it was a, yeah, the line has a weight at the end ofit. And I just happened to turn around and.
Knocked my, I thought I, I hit myself hard enough to startbleeding. So I went up, but it was, um, you know, anyways, so free diving, sucha good experience. I want to let let's talk about routines because this isfunny. They. When you mentioned free diving is sort of as a setup of your day.And just kind of the idea that if you don't plan, et cetera, you're, you'regoing to fail and
Roy Matz: [00:12:19]not only plan, just like start yourself.
Boomer Anderson: [00:12:22]Yeah. And there is. A lot of merit to that in terms of starting yourself withor starting and finishing with quality. Right. Right. Um, Billy kid, who is aguy who I've actually had an experience of skiing with, he's an Olympic skier.And my parents used to take us to Steamboat Springs, Colorado growing up.
And we, um, had a chance to ski with him once or twice. Andhe was always obsessed with like the last three turns, which are the ones thatpeople just. Fuck around with, right. They just kind of. Don't really care, buthe was always obsessed with the last three turns. Cause you had with qualityanyways, let's get back to morning routines.
So one of the things that I've been experimenting with withmorning routines, this kind of past couple of weeks, even was the idea ofputting and this. Look, I stole it right out of Jeff Bezos, his playbook, andhe is famous for saying that he doesn't start anything before 10:00 AM. And heloves the experience of putting and he uses the time with his kids and, youknow, kind of reads things, but he doesn't have a really structured, um,Morning in that sense.
And so what I've been playing around with lately is this notjust putzing, cause I wouldn't necessarily label it that, but it's okay. I havea handful of things that I want to accomplish before 10 and ideally 11:00 AM.But if you look at my calendar, I almost never schedule anything by the way,Roy, if you ever try to schedule something before 10:00 AM, uh, Amsterdam timeskind of work.
Uh, but like I just don't schedule anything before 10:00 AM.Now that part I did steal from Bezos, but what am I doing in that time? Uh, forme, it's a time to. To learn, right? So if you look at energy of activationlearning, energy of activation being like how much energy, how much physicalexertion does it take you to do something?
Uh, learning something new for most people is among thehighest, right? In terms of. It's actually taxing, it's mentally taxing tolearn new things. And so for me, I try to stack all of the stuff that I'mtrying to learn in a particular day in that sort of pre 10:00 AM slot. Yeah,no, that right now looks a lot like combinations of game theory and.
Esoteric probability and statistics, but it's, it's a goodtime for me because I'll settle in with my coffee. I haven't really eatenanything yet. My brain is on fire and I just really get to, to rip through alot of, a lot of really good quality material. And the idea is to do it withoutan interruption now.
I'm trying to balance this and I'll admit where I struggle.I'm trying to balance this with the fact that the team that I predominantlywork with is in California. And so the times that we get to talk are in themorning and the night. And so where. I'm now learning is that in the morning,I'll get the download and then kind of prioritize sort of what the rest of theday looks like past 10:00 AM.
But I don't necessarily begin those things until after 10:00AM. Sometimes even after noon, because I have the luxury of when the teamsasleep, I have a lot of time to myself to work on these things. So in thatpretend am slot I've. More or less built in sort of builtin. That's a greatword, built this, like things I need to call Bush in terms of, you know,learning something new, a little bit of exercise meditation, getting out innature.
If the weather isn't shit here in Amsterdam, which lately itis, um, and you know, really just. Taking that time for me and making sure thatI stay offline. And so I found I've actually found freedom in less structure.Believe it or not, that is actually less structure for me. You know, it wasjust sort of a mishmash of stuff I need to accomplish in the morning rather than.
You know, I wake up in the first 15 minutes. I do X the next15 minutes. I do Y and then, you know, pretty soon I'm making coffee and I put20 grams of coffee in this. So it's been, that's been freeing in a way becausewe encourage people to play with that because the idea of just sort of havingsome things to do, but no particular order and just kind of going with theflow, it appears to work well with me.
Roy Matz: [00:17:22]Hmm. There's a lot, a lot to me said about it. And in my opinion, there, thereis even, even in. In, in, in a diet perspective, uh, I always hear the, uh,people saying people that I really admire and respect saying always switch itup, you know? Uh, so don't have the exact same meal every morning, cause youwant to train your system to kind of adapt and adjust and you know, and I feellike that that morning phase is.
Is that place where you can play with it and kind ofinternalize and play with structure and not have that, uh, set these setthings. I feel like there should be non nonnegotiables that have to get inthere. Like for you, you know, it's meditation. I know you read in the morningas well. Um, and, but I feel like it all.
It all comes down to what you feel, you know, and if you'renot feeling like you can dive into 40 meters now, so you'll stop in 30 and lookup and just chill there, you know? And that's the whole thing with, and I feellike you can, you can train yourself to do that when you eat, you know, evenwhen you're in the thick of your day.
And you're in that crazy, like do, do, do mode and you havea meal in the middle of that. And you find yourself eating very fast, just likesaying, wait. Am I satisfied. Do I feel, do I feel good? Do I need, do I needthis, this much to eat right now? And all this kind of stuff? That's what itbrought up. Um, that's what it brought up for me.
When, when you were saying all these things.
Boomer Anderson: [00:19:15]Yeah, absolutely. In look, we talked about this at length with Josh, right? AndI know you and Josh had had a chance to connect, um, And so Josh is a big fanof present moment awareness, right? And, and I think the key takeaway actuallywith, with free diving with, um, morning routines and look, guys, I'm stillworking on this, uh, you know, the idea of bringing awareness to those momentsand just sitting like sitting and doing one thing at a time as a person who isa.
Who used to brag about being a really good multitasker. Itis the hardest damn thing in the world to sit and do one thing at a time, butdoing one meditation and not necessarily trying to stack a lot of stuff, doing,you know, studying one subject at one point in my morning, you know, when I eatputting things away, focusing on eating and actually taking a break from work.
It helps me bring, I mean, talk about the ultimate sort oflike weight loss cure, if you will. Um, not that that is to be construed asmedical advice, but, you know, just bringing awareness to your chewing mayactually help you experience leptin and feeling
Roy Matz: [00:20:36]full. Right. Yeah. And it really, and there was another thing that you broughtup about working remotely and having that, um, crunch time yeah.
In the middle. And that really brought up some things as amusic producer, you know, and as an audio producer producer, when I'm not surethat I'm. Uh, doing something well enough where I don't see something. Um, Iusually put it aside for a few hours or a day. And then the next day I alwaysapproach it back with way more clarity, because you know, you've, you've had itcook in your brain and then if you don't let it, if you don't let it rest, itcan't, and it can't soak the, it can't soak them the taste, you know?
Boomer Anderson: [00:21:25]Yeah. Um, and you may, it, it allows you to just sort of come back and look atit another way. So let's, let's expand upon that. Right. So, um, when we'retalking about what Roy just mentioned, which is producing music and not reallyunsure, or you're unsure of how it's going to land or finish or anything likethat, uh, it's something that everybody experiences across.
Really any profession, you're not sure how that financialmodel is going to end up. You're not sure how, uh, the speech is going to endup and, you know, taking a break from it. And you kind of look at a lot ofthese creative people and a lot of you try and glean insights from it. And I'mfortunate enough that I live with a creative and, you know, the idea of takingbreaks.
And just coming back to it with a fresh set of eyes, gettinginto night's sleep, uh, iterating on it is, is something that I broughtdefinitely into my life, at least within the past couple of years. But. Moreand more recently is okay. I'm a big guy believer in iterating in threes.Alright, Lisa, this is, has sort of quelled my perfectionism if you will.
So the first thing that you do is you go, you kind of get itdone to finish it. The next thing you do is. You make it a little bit better.And then the third thing you do is you perfect it. Right? And so in eachiteration, it gets gradually better and better, but I'm not doing thoseiterations back to back.
And as an entrepreneur, like being a fucking perfectionistis just a way to stress yourself the fuck out. So rule it. Yeah. And so DavidHeinemeier Hansson who. Thank you. You wrote Ruby on rails code or created it,um, has an interesting personality, but I, again am a great borrower of otherpeople's ideas.
And one of the things that he said was that iterate inthree's process and that's allowed me to sort of disconnect with the, thisneeds to be perfect. The first time I do it mentality that I've had my entirelife
Roy Matz: [00:23:41]iteration freeze process. You said.
Boomer Anderson: [00:23:44]So it's a, it's a three iteration process on what, what I mean there is firstthing you do, it was you just get it done.
And this has worked really well when I do sit down to write,like you just write, it may be garbage that's okay. Um, but you get it. Outthere done. And then you come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and editingis always more fun than writing itself or at least for me. Um, and then youedit it and that's sort of your version two and then version.
Yeah. Three is the one that you actually perfect. Yeah,
Roy Matz: [00:24:19]I can highly resonate with that. Again, it's, uh, making, uh, making art andmaking music, especially you can be so immersed in the process and then you goahead and let it go. And in the evening you listen to it and you say, Oh, thatis crap, you know? And just let it go.
And it's okay. And that's, that's the beauty of it. And onething I want to touch is play. Yeah. Uh, I feel like, uh, in these times,especially it's it's, we all get way more. We have crone to get way moreserious about things, you know, the world is in a crazy pandemic and whatnot.So how do you incorporate play?
Boomer Anderson: [00:25:03]Alright, let's interrupt our GM session between Roy mats, editor Xtrordinair,pal friend, amigo, and myself to talk about digestion. As you get older, thereare things called digestive enzymes, which begin to deplete in your body. Yes,you should test the levels of those and you should know exactly what thoselevels are, but if you need them, you want to replace them.
And so what's in my cabinet when it comes to replacingdigestive enzymes, it's the products from BiOptimizers. Wade Lightheart hasbeen on the show before. He's become quite a good friend and I just love theirproducts. So let me tell you what I use. I use mass times on a daily basis. Iuse it she'll breakthrough when needed.
I use their parasite cleanse once a quarter. I use theirprobiotic and I use gluten guardian when I, I go to a restaurant and I'm notsure what's in the food. Wow. I must be a fan. And so if you want to try thishead on over to, that's B I O P T I N I Z E R right now they're running a special on something called upgraded digestion,where you're going to get mass Symes, the probiotic gluten, guardian, and HCL breakthrough for asuper, super discount.
Head on over to and grab yours rightnow. Let's get back to the gym. Sasheer man. Uh, such a good question. Causethe idea of play to me before it was like, What the fuck, like I'm not secondgrade anymore. Like play, who does play. Um, but it is so important and, youknow, Darryl Edwards has been on the show is a big advocate of the idea ofplaying.
Uh, he does it predominantly through movement. I try tostructure it in various aspects of my life. So playing with learning, meaningI'm going to read a book that I just want to read for the sake of reading rightnow. That tends to move into sort of like the, the ancient texts, things likethe Vedas, et cetera, which are very, very difficult to read, but it's justkind of fun for me to read books that are thousands of years old.
Um, In movement is where I've found most of my play as well.Because if you think about this whole world that we live in, and I'm just goingto extrapolate sort of the scene around me for people, right? Like we'reworking from home. My fiance and I live in a reasonably small apartment inAmsterdam. Uh, you know, the weather is if you have best.
And so getting outside all the time, time is a little bitdifficult. Um, you have the potential. And as an entrepreneur, uh, but alsojust anybody right now has the potential to overload themselves with meetings,to overload themselves with, uh, deliverables and to just work all the time.Uh, there's no real separation between this whole work in life anymore.
In fact, That whole wall just got fucking obliterated by, byCOVID. And so rather than having work life balance, we have work lifeintegration. And one of the ways that I ensure that I'm not going to go nuts ora habit of an oxytocin deficiency over the course of this, this pandemic is byincorporating that element of play.
I mean, I may or may not have labeled it. That way, but, um,it definitely is. And so my workouts, although they're physically demanding orall just sort of, or at least a few times a week, construct around the idea ofhere, I've got all of these tools around me. Let's construct something fun.Let's just go out and throw a sandbag around this morning.
I took it in. I guess some people wouldn't call this funthis morning. I took a 50 kilos sandbag, and I just went for a walk and I wascarrying a 50 kilos sand bag. And I just kind of walked around the block.People look at you like you're freaking nuts, but like that stuff is fun forme. And so incorporating fun or play using a different word in differentaspects of my life has been.
Just social useful. I mean, you've, you've seen me at mymost stressed. You've seen me at my most relaxed. I'm probably near as relaxedas I've ever been. And it's predominantly due to recognizing the value, thevalue of working smarter, not harder to steal the company's name that Iactually work for. So
Roy Matz: [00:29:46]well, yeah. So, so again, like so many things to unpack here. So, first of all,sandbag, do you carry it on your front side or on your back? How do you carryit?
Boomer Anderson: [00:29:59]Yeah, sure. So, uh, I am a big user of multiple modalities of exercise eversince I've left CrossFit. Um, one of the things that I've valued from thatexperience was the idea of being, you know, a generalist and fitness.
So doing. Whether it's, you know, using the Carroll bikehere using the, be strong bands, extra bar, all of those things. Right. Uh, orjust, you know, having fun with the toys that I have. One of the things that Ihave here, because Jim's closed down, I was not able to buy a. A bar bell intime, all of the bar bells in the Netherlands apparently show sold out when,when I went to by him.
And so I was kind of looking for a way to just lift weightsbecause buying sets and sets of dumbbells wasn't available, barbell wasn'tavailable. And. Like kettlebells we're in limit limited quantity, but I canfind sandbags. And so I got some sandbags and you can do a lot of functionaltraining with sandbags.
In fact, Julian Pineau, who eventual come on, this podcastis a huge advocate. Of sandbags. And so what am I doing with those? Those aresometimes sandbag walks their presses or whatever. And so when I'm walking withit, it's actually like a bear hug. Right. So if you can picture holdingsomething, that's 50 kilos out in front of you and just hugging it and goingfor a walk.
Roy Matz: [00:31:27]Yeah. If you've ever seen the strongest man competition.
Boomer Anderson: [00:31:30]Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Right. And so if you think of. Actuallysandbags are a perfect example of strong man exercise. And if you look at the,the one modality of exercise that I probably have not been exposed to in mylife was strong, man. And so in a way COVID this whole lockdown experience hasbeen very beneficial to me in terms of experience, getting to play around withstrong man exercise.
Roy Matz: [00:31:58]I just hope, um, that DHL aren't hearing this and just walking with my, with mypassport, like a sandbag, um, anyway,
Boomer Anderson: [00:32:08]walking from Berlin Salaway yeah. To Israel,
Roy Matz: [00:32:13]get AHL.
Boomer Anderson: [00:32:14]Shout outs to DHL sponsored by fed. Yeah,
Roy Matz: [00:32:20]totally. So I love that. And I can really take that and say that I've been,I've been blessed with a backyard here.
Yeah. My folks is placed and the way that I play, I knowthat you didn't ask, but I don't care the way, the way I approach my play.Thank you for asking. Is, um, actually there's a cat, um, a cat that we tookfrom the street and, and she's just hanging around all the time. She's in mybackyard and I wake up and I usually do my breathing and whatnot, but then I goout
Boomer Anderson: [00:33:01]and type of breathing, man. You're on, you're on the show about how hot.
Roy Matz: [00:33:06]Okay, cool. Who am half, three rounds? Um, then I might crank in a meditation.Depends on how I feel. I have a little, um, notebook in which I scribbled some,some notes that I want to have things that I want to accomplish. So I read itout loud. Um, Sometimes, sometimes not.
It just really depends how I feel and what my tension is.And then I get out and I'm move and I do all these animal walks and I do allthese bridges and all these, just like letting my body know that, that it's,it's time to play. It's timeframe that day it's time to stretch and feel where I'mat. Um, and sometimes when the cat comes she's she's, um, She's all she'sreally, she comes close and then we, we kind of play a little bit and I pet herand we're, we're, we're very dynamic with each other.
So I feel like incorporating that in my day is, was very,very instrumental. And also she keeps, you know, it keeps me company and it'sreally.
Boomer Anderson: [00:34:11]Yeah, you get that boost of oxytocin.
Roy Matz: [00:34:13]Right, right, right. Uh, and she gets that boost of getting pets. So I don'tknow what it's like for her. I don't know what she's saying to the interviewer.
Who's interviewing her right now, but, um, yeah. But yeah,incorporating that, you know, and it really, I feel like it, it createseffortlessness in a lot of things. To come after that, it's just like, yeah.I'm meditating before getting into surf for me is it's like day and night. If Igo in with a meditation before.
And like really mindful stretches before I enter the surf,my surfing looks different completely and feels different.
Boomer Anderson: [00:34:55]It helps you, it helps you kind of trend, not transcend. Um, TransCelerate thefoot
Roy Matz: [00:35:00]transcend, accelerate the,
Boomer Anderson: [00:35:02]or accelerate the flow state
Roy Matz: [00:35:04]too. That's awesome, man. Definitely. It's it's is everything like the way youprepare, you prepare yourself for that surface?
Everything. So it's same with, with a free diving it's samewith, with being professional at what you do. It's just being able to, um, todeliver on a day to day basis. Always requires you to do. New things. And thething that you were saying about learning new things, things, I think that weneed to hammer that in, and I think that we need to hammer that a bit deeperbecause.
That's so important, you know, to always be learning. Thereare researches. I'm not, I'm not going to specify and you can, everybody who'slistening can look, but when you learn your, I think it's white matter, thatjust grows in your brain. Yeah. And, and then it enables you to be that.
Boomer Anderson: [00:36:02]Yeah, exactly. And look, um, You've probably seen it.
If you haven't, you're going to probably want to launch thisthis weekend, but like as Shawshank redemption, right. I get busy living or getbusy dying. Uh, you can alter those worlds words too. Be like get busy learningor get busy dying. And, uh, you know, depending on who you talk to, were it,unless you're kind of a, uh, a holder of the flat world hypothesis where.
In this very innovative time. Right? And so the idea ofsitting around stagnant and not learning something equates to death. And so ifDV over DT is your, your slope in terms of innovation. Um, right now,Innovation is accelerating. So that derivative is accelerating. And in order tojust keep up people like you and I, we just need to be consuming much moreinformation to stay at the top of our games.
Yes. Uh, and so that I would be curious, Roy, actually, how,how are you viewing that? Like how are you sourcing your information allocatingtime in order to learn?
Roy Matz: [00:37:14]So that's my morning. Like right now I'm learning about green investing. CauseI want to that's it. That's
Boomer Anderson: [00:37:21]in my wheelhouse. We can chat about that.
And other towel.
Roy Matz: [00:37:24]Yeah. Is it ESG? I just learned today. Um, but it's just, I've been, I've beenstarting to invest in the stock market lately and I've been very interested inwhat, you know, I w I want to invest, but I don't want my investments to be allin, in energy companies. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't, it doesn't.
Aligned with my values. He also, after watching thedocumentary about Dave Edinburgh and, and kiss the ground and all these thingsthat, yeah, and, and a documentary about green peace is amazing. By the way,we're going to talk about Netflix. I want you to tell, tell me your, yourfavorite slightly, but, um, but there are really, really powerful documentariesright now that really.
Made me want to live my life a bit different, a bitdifferently, and you know, uh, not heard the ocean and way more sustainableabout myself. So sorry. I went on a tangent there, but my mornings are always,um, there's a part in my morning in which I'll grab a cup of coffee. Um, that'sbefore I eat, it's usually around 12.
O'clock, something like that. Uh, I would I grab, uh, grabmyself a coffee. I turn you to the, the, the YouTubes on, and I just learnabout either investing or movement. Or one of these things that reallycontribute to me as a person I've been not dabbling with handstands lately.That's something I've been working on,
Boomer Anderson: [00:38:55]turning yourself in either a portal.
And it's just like, Oh man,
Roy Matz: [00:38:59]I wish he's just, yeah, he's amazing. It's crazy. But, so yeah,
Boomer Anderson: [00:39:04]you brought up, you brought up Edinburgh, you brought up, um, What else do you,you brought up kissed the ground, right? Uh, both very good documentaries thatpeople should have check out. In fact, I'm on my zone, two training, which isjust a bicycling for 30 or 45 minutes, around 120 to 130 beats per minute.
Yeah. Um, I'm watching a lot of documentaries and I found ita great way to just consume information, but, um, Other than those two, whatsort of, what's been like your favorite documentary of the past couple ofmonths.
Roy Matz: [00:39:38]Ooh. Um, so that the Dave Adams, but I think is the, is the
Boomer Anderson: [00:39:43]I, the it's
Roy Matz: [00:39:45]it's the cream of the crop, but I think kiss the ground is more, um, it, itmade me want to take more initiative with that said they're both like watchingback to back and it's so practical.
Like you can learn what you can do. Um, in just like now toimprove yourself. Um, so I would really highly recommend watching back to back.If you want to watch the one about a Greenpeace, which is just, it's just showyou in a very visceral way, uh, in a very, it shows you in a very lively way.What's the revolution that's been happening around the world around mainlywailing, but how.
How, uh, people have been working to, to save the planet andhow you might be able to feel inclined to help them. So,
Boomer Anderson: [00:40:37]yeah. Yeah. It's dope. Um, now you're the one, not asking me the question. SoI'm going to jump on and say, you know, let's talk about documentaries, right?Uh, all right.
Roy Matz: [00:40:47]So I did say I wouldn't ask you, so
Boomer Anderson: [00:40:50]you did.
Okay. Okay. I'll give
Roy Matz: [00:40:52]you planted the seed. I planted the seed.
Boomer Anderson: [00:40:55]Yeah. Inception you win. Okay. So on thedocumentary front look, I think there's some classics, like minimalism is interestingto me. I'm not saying I'm a minimalist, but I think there's some good takeawaysthere. Yeah, I know. I got to watch it. Uh, well I have watched thedocumentary.
There's some good takeaways there in terms of. Frankly, whenI look at things that don't necessarily matter that much to me like fashion,you know, minimalist approach seems to work pretty well. Um, and then let's seethe other documentaries. There's this documentary called, I think it's calledthe business of drugs.
And one of the reasons why I've been focused on this isbecause of, um, two particular. Almost epidemic. Yeah. Epidemics is the rightword in the United States. Uh, the opiate epidemic and the benzodiazepine, uh,epidemic. And so people that are addicted to pain, medications and, um, andanxiety, medication medications.
And there's also another, uh, documentary about Kratom,which I found industry. And I'll link to this all in the show notes, but, um,You know, the business of drugs, kind of outlines sort of how opiates trendgoes into heroin. And so opiate use becomes too expensive, then people switchedto heroin and once you inject yourself, you're kind of done.
And so looking at those as sort of very fundamentalproblems, because people experience pain. Right. And pain is a very, very realthing. And so how do you address those problems? Is, are questions that I'masking myself, right? Like how do you address those problems? Are therealternatives out there? And I'm hoping that there's an opportunity, certainlyaround that, um, to, to improve the conditions of certain people's lives.
The other one, benzodiazepines, just because. You know,anxiety is something that I've experienced almost my entire life. Um, not everhaving used any of those benzos is something theme that I'm looking at too. AndI think we can look to some common herbs that have been used in the past, uh,for resolutions there.
The other documentary that I recommend to people is acurrent one. Not that I think it taught me anything that I didn't already knowthe social dilemma. It was pretty important for me in terms of. Just outliningto the masses, like, Hey, what you see on Instagram and tic talk may not berepresentative of the entire person's life.
And so people need to realize that what you see on Instagramis probably a very jaded view of somebody's life. And so you see. Youngerpeople who are, have developing brains that don't necessarily know this yet.And as a result, it can have effects on behavior, um, but also emotion. And soI would encourage people to check that out.
It's a very well done documentary. Do I think I, I learned aton in terms of the neuroscience aspect of it. Not necessarily, but do I thinkit helps bring some. Areas to the surface. And again, offers opportunities forpeople around how to make solutions, which are more convenient than the currentone. So all of this, all of these problems that I've just outlined, whether itbe pain, anxiety, or social media addiction, um, The resolution to me is goingto be in finding something that's more convenient than all three of these thatis cheaper and both better for people.
So, um, challenge, throw it out to the vast ether that islistening to this podcast. Right?
Roy Matz: [00:44:46]What is the challenge? Outline it.
Boomer Anderson: [00:44:49]Okay. So the challenge here is. You have several epidemics and potential ones.Um, we know that social media can have a negative effect on people's moods.Part of it is what I just outlined that, you know, you're looking at yourInstagram feed and everybody's life is perfect and you may be going throughsome shit.
And what is the solution to social media addiction and howdo you create one that's convenient. So more convenient than social media isright now and actually serves to. Grow the health of the planet, that that's achallenge. The other ones are around opiate addiction and benzo addiction,which is something that's a little bit more complex.
But if people are willing to talk about that, please just,just throw an email on my way. I want to talk about that stuff,
Roy Matz: [00:45:47]right. Boomer will talk to you about these things. So take him on it. Um, Whatdid I want to, uh, there was something, uh, that came up when you were, whenyou were talking about these. Um, yeah, a lot of, a lot of time lapses on thebeach.
Uh, these days. A lot of time, lapses people doing yoga,showing amazing lives, Bahamas, hashtag hashtag,
Boomer Anderson: [00:46:18]you're going to move to Bermuda
Roy Matz: [00:46:20]if you guys want to feel miserable, just go ahead and look time lapses. Yeah.Then people.
Boomer Anderson: [00:46:24]Yeah, exactly. Right. Um, and maybe there's look, I I've come to look at socialmedia as a tool in terms of it helps me disseminate a message, but also allowsme to collaborate with people.
Uh, actually you and I met through social media, right? So,uh, without Tinder, this wouldn't be. Yeah,
I thought, I thought we were on what was the, uh, what'sBumble or something like that? Yeah. All right, Roy, we got to wrap this thingup because I'm going to have to hop on a call with potential podcasts guests,which I am so excited to talk about later, but, um, Oh, yeah, we're going towrap this up. What's your favorite book of the past three months?
Roy Matz: [00:47:04]Um, I've actually read it fish for the first time. Super basic, the seven laws,uh, seven spiritual laws for success by Deepak Chopra. I think it's a very,very powerful book. If you know what to take from it. Um, I've never looked atthings the way I feel like the way that I look at things right now is really,uh, this book is really powerful for me right now.
And this book talks a lot about current things that might gowrong in your world. Just like looking outside of your, um, of your place. Youknow, it just, uh, all these,
Boomer Anderson: [00:47:39]um,
Roy Matz: [00:47:41]All these, I guess, behaviors that we are engaged in right now as a specie. Soreally highly recommend that the four agreements is always amazing.
The power of the mastery of the mastery of love is somethingI think that you boomer would love. It's a book that I absolutely recommend.And yeah, what's, what's, what's a few that you've been at.
Boomer Anderson: [00:48:08]Okay. So, uh, probably the top choice, just because it's something I read fromevery day is called the art of thinking clearly.
And it's just essentially a, a book of cognitive biases andI tend to, uh, Read one a day and it's just one or two pages on each bias. Andit just allows me to check my thinking, especially when we're coming aroundelection time and all this shit that people would just become. So one sided,it's nice to know what is influencing your thinking and how this tends to playout your brain.
The other one on the decision making side of things isthinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman. He won the Nobel prize and I'm goingthrough that right now. And I think those are the two that I would point out,um, in terms of business books and an audio book, that's worth listening to howto lead, which is an amalgamation of interviews by David Rubinstein.
Who's the chairman of Carlisle group, but he interviewspeople like bill Gates, Bezos, and a few others. Um, and the audio book is theone you want to get just because it's the live interviews
Roy Matz: [00:49:17]later.
Boomer Anderson: [00:49:19]Nice how to lead. And I mean, he even has like Ruth Bader Ginsburg in there,cheer or which, you know, rest in peace.
Fortunately, she went too soon, but it's, um, It's an, it'sa very good book. All right, right. We got to sign off, man. Cause I got to gojump on this other one, but my friend, always a pleasure. The next time we dothis, you may be in the tropics and I'm going to have to come and visit you.
Roy Matz: [00:49:42]Touch wood touch.
What if, if DHL, uh, delivers and, and gives me back thelove that I give to it. And the podcast,
Boomer Anderson: [00:49:49]if not, maybe we'll, uh, we'll get some donations from
Roy Matz: [00:49:56]yeah, no, I'm just kidding. I'm just getting everything will be cool. It's beena very, I've been very fortunate to learn a lot. Uh, and these past weeks and,and learning from you, man, always learning from you. You're one of myfavorites.
Boomer Anderson: [00:50:14]Ah, you YouTube brother, and you've got podcasts coming out. Tell people aboutit.
Roy Matz: [00:50:19]Oh, a grind full podcast to, to all the grinders out there to all the people
Boomer Anderson: [00:50:27]who got a few of those entrepreneurs that are listening. Right. So,
Roy Matz: [00:50:30]right, right. So it's going to be a, it should be up in a few days. Uh, thefirst podcast is coming up and I'm just going to be going through all thesepeople. And through people like boomer, boomer is going to be there as well.
So like there's stories and the really depth of theirmindset. So I'm going to try to decode these for you. Um, yeah. And that's
Boomer Anderson: [00:50:55]w I, I just remembered talking to you, man. And whenever we do talk, we gopretty deep. So I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce in the world.Bro. Alright. Always a pleasure.
Thank you for jamming. Same. Um,
Roy Matz: [00:51:09]love you brother.
Boomer Anderson: [00:51:11]Love you too. Adios. Amigos.
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